We will be making paracord lanyards to donate.
The library is partnering with Operation Gratitude, who will distribute the lanyards to military members and first responders. Here are some examples of how the finished lanyards can be used:
550 Paracord, which gets its name from parachute cord, can hold up to 550 lbs. of weight. The lanyard provides 5 feet of cord that can be used in an emergency. Paracord Lanyards can be used to:
Hang an IV bag from a tree
Secure camouflage nets to trees or vehicles
Build a makeshift shelter
Extend a security strap or rope to reach and haul heavy objects
Create a harness to extract an injured person from a bad location
Make a sling or splint
And those are just a few of the ways to use the full paracord! Cut the paracord and remove the seven to nine individual nylon strands inside it (the “guts”) and now you have a finer strong string to use as:
Sewing thread to repair gear
Emergency sutures to close a wound
Fishing line
Trip line to secure an area
Mon, Feb 03 | 9:00AM to 9:00PM |
Tue, Feb 04 | 9:00AM to 9:00PM |
Wed, Feb 05 | 9:00AM to 9:00PM |
Thu, Feb 06 | 9:00AM to 9:00PM |
Fri, Feb 07 | 9:00AM to 5:00PM |
Sat, Feb 08 | 9:00AM to 5:00PM |
Sun, Feb 09 | 1:00PM to 5:00PM |
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